
Cobblestone are a type of paver made from durable, relatively small stones placed together. It can be used as a basic building block as it’s highly blast resistant in driveways, pathways, furnaces, fire pits and also as a decorative piece.

They are typically either set in sand or similar material, or are bound together with mortar. Paving with cobblestones allows a road to be heavily used all year long. It prevents the build-up of ruts often found in dirt roads. It has the additional advantage of not getting muddy in wet weather or dusty in dry weather.

Get a quote on cobblestone products from Stonehouse Marketing today!

Green Quartzite Cobblestone

Yellow Quartzite Cobblestone




Yellow Quartzite Cobblestone

4″x 4″

Loose Natural Cut Edges & Slightly Tumbled

Green Quartzite Cobblestone

4″x 4″

Loose Natural Cut Edges & Slightly Tumbled

Cobblestone Ideas

Here are some ideas for working with cobblestone.

Get a quote on cobblestone products from Stonehouse Marketing today!

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